Go Paperless –
Electronic Shelf Labeling

There are hidden costs as well as labor and overhead associated with printing shelf lables. In addition to expenses administering the labels, stores are not keeping up with changing pricing and discounts. The success of profitability depends on many factors, not the least is accurate and visible pricing.


Hardware Independent



Your Data /
Your Solution

Customizable image templates and store specific databases provided flexibility and customization for your needs. Various display sizes are augmented by templates that can be selected for to show what you want customers to see.

Point of Use versus Centralized Price Management

Changes can be made at the display or through a computer and the database. The web based application provides visibility to tags, connectivity, and pricing of the electronic shelf display network. Multiple stores can be managed by the application allowing for a scalable but controlled pricing network.


Turnkey solution for
Electronic Shelf Labeling

The base station must have the proprietary CDT application loaded and wireless connectivity is required.

For instructions on changes to labels, templates, or use of the application: Check Here


US Based
Software Company

Canyon Display Technologies is a US based software company providing a US based solution. Configuration information between the application and the display hardware is managed directly within the local network and no information is required to pass an external country’s database or system.


Rapid Change

Printed labels on shelfs do not efficiently distribute changes accurately because of higher labor costs and changes are shifting faster than label printing and placement can accommodate. As the number of store keeping units (SKU) grow, ESL fulfills the need for a simple common platform to display changing information across distributed locations.


Save Costs,
Save Paper

We believe in waste reduction and made sure our services are less costly than printing paper or creating a secure deployable system on your own.

Everyone wins.

Canyon Display Technologies (CDT) would like to provide any combination of software, hardware, or training to assist with implementation of electronic shelf labeling.

[email protected]